Resultados: 3

Vivências de mães no cuidado a crianças e adolescentes com Epidermólise Bolhosa

Resumo Objetivo conhecer e analisar as vivências de mães no cuidado a crianças e adolescentes com Epidermólise Bolhosa. Método estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa desenvolvido junto a dez mães de crianças e adolescentes com Epidermólise Bolhosa de diferentes regiões do Brasil, a partir ...

Trajectory of adaptations done by families of children and teenagers with low vision

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the experience of families of children and adolescents with visual impairment with an emphasis on the adaptations made in daily life. Method: qualitative, research, which used as a theoretical reference the Symbolic Interactionism and analysis of narrative as method. D...

Criança com transtorno do espectro autista: cuidado na perspectiva familiar

Objective: To know the experience of the family in the care of the child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to discuss possibilities of health care. Method: Descriptive research with qualitative approach, carried out with 15 families of children with ASD, living in two municipalities in the interio...